How cinematography is used to create meaning in The Truman Show

Scene - Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night (

Camera shot - Zoom (0:04)
Effect created
This shot allows the focus to be on Truman, and Truman alone. This is reflected by the fact we later find out he is the star of a television show. It could also have a hidden meaning in that he is at the centre of the shot, and the entire film.

Camera shot - Low Angle (0:20)
Effect created
This shot allows the audience to see his house and the artificial sky. It also allows us to see the difference in height between Truman and Pluto, the dog. This shows that Truman is possibly afraid of dogs since he is trying to keep away from Pluto despite been far bigger.
Camera shot - Aerial Shot (0:29)
Effect created
This allows the audience to see Truman's neighborhood and how artificial it looks because the houses are similar.

Camera shot - Close Up (1:02)
Effect created
This is used to make Truman's confusion at this light which has fallen from the 'sky'. Using the following shot, it allows us to see that this camera is hidden in a lamppost, both emphasizing that he can be seen from every angle, and that he is being watched from above.

Camera shot - Long Shot (1:05)
Effect created
Similarly to the aerial shot, we get to see the neighborhood, and that all of the 'citizens' carry on as normal, as they are paid to, not reacting to the fallen light..

Camera shot - Canted Angle (1:10)
Effect created
The most artificial angle in this scene, we get to see Truman from the perspective of his car radio. This further shows the audience just how many cameras the TV station have used to produce this show. It could also be seen as a metaphor that people watch for Truman and are 'under' his control. 

Camera shot - Pan (1:24)
Effect created
This camera shot is used to introduce the audience to the place Truman lives in. It also allows us to easily track Truman in his car. This also means that everything is visible in this fake world and that there are cameras everywhere. 

Camera shot - High Angle (1:33)
Effect created
Again, this shot is used to consolidate to the millions watching that they are watching Truman from above, almost akin to a snow globe (which is possibly the design basis for the hemispherical studio).

Camera shot - Medium Shot (1:39)
Effect created
This shot is used to get closer to Truman, possibly to ensure that we can hear what him and the person running the magazine stand. It also helps us imagine that we are right there, standing behind Truman.

Camera shot - Tracking Shot (1:51)
Effect created
The rounded edges mean that you feel as if the person watching is using binoculars or something similar. The blurring of everyone else helps keep the focus on Truman, the reason people watch the show. The image created of someone constantly watching him could be perceived as the studio keeping an eye on him.

Camera shot - Eye Level (2:08)
Effect created
This creates a really personal moment between Truman and the audience whilst all showing off one of the companies being advertised on the Truman Show. It allows you easily see his face and lets the audience get as close as they realistically can to Truman.


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